Thursday, 26 April 2018

Reality of Yoga (a brief idea)

Yoga has different definition for different people. Some individual it as an Indian form of exercise which has to do with specific body postures. Some of them understand it as just a breathing practice or some kind of mode of relaxation. Some experts are also there those refer it as weight reducing regimen. Besides this group of experts, there are some other great people those who believe it as a typical religious rituals. This kind of views are logical to some extend but the last one is definitely not.

This is an Ancient Science, on how the body works actually and how can we enhance it to our greatest possibilities. In this lesson we will focus only in what is yoga actually in Indian Perspective.

Yog” or “Yoga” is Sanskrit word derived from the root word “yuj” meaning to yoke, harness or to join together. ‘Yog’ has the meaning of Samadhi, that is the prevention of all action of ‘chitta’ (brain or mind or consciousness). According to some ancient scriptures citta (our mind) is the source of ‘upadana karana’, the productive cause of all trigunas, like wise sattvaguna, rajoguna, tamoguna, the state of trigunas are respectively means brightness in its nature, action and static or motionless. Citta has five states – Kshipta (disturbed), muddha (dull), vkshipta (distracted), akagra (focused), nirodhah (mastered). Yoga begins in the first state of citta. All moods, reflection and thoughts that arise in citta are classified in five categories by the great Maharishi Patanjali – pramana (right knowledge), viparyaya (indiscrimination), vikalpa (verbal delusion), nidra (sleep), and smriti (memory). The state of yog is irrespective of their conditions. In ‘yogh samadhhi’ the afflictions and the bonding of karma subside when they are impeded the practitioner achive the highest mental state niroddha.
There are numbers of definition of yoga depending on the various level of existence and evolution of consciousness. The best definition to describe it is union – union between individual and divine self. It means the ultimate aim of yoga is to know our identity, who we are in this multiverse what’s the true reality is.

At last we can say it’s a lot more than breathing or physical exercise. It gives a new meaning to life.

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